Matt McNabb, Opera for All Teaching Artist
Let’s take a minute to discuss perhaps what could be the most important element to the success of a teaching artist-coffee! Let’s face it, when you have to walk into a classroom of 35 students at 8am, you darn well better have a cup o’ joe in your hand.

Coffee nurtures us, it energizes us, it comforts us and it gives us the strength to stay calm and carry on!
Of course Starbucks reigns supreme, but Dunkin Donuts is always a good option, as is Burger King and Taco Bell. I’ve also gotten to love the iced coffee at the Bridgeport Coffee Shop. Home brewed is always a budget friendly option, but it doesn’t give you the air of coolness that a fancy store bought cup will bring. When that green and white Starbucks cup makes its first appearance of the day, you will always hear the students ooh and ahhh, like they are welcoming royalty into their classroom.
I am also happy to announce that coffee makes an appearance in two operas this year! The inhabitants of the planet Terraria open the first interstellar Starbucks store at Healy Elementary, and coffee is used as a sustainable fuel source for outer space cruise ships at Disney II Elementary.

I will always remember a day last year when my co-teacher Ms. Litchfield spilled her coffee, and as I helped her clean it up, I was definitely crying inside. She did manage to make it through the day like a true professional however!
The students also learn our coffee habits very quickly, and several students at Disney II Elementary School have taken it upon themselves to check in with me and make sure I have gotten my coffee for the day. One student also mentioned that when I don’t have my coffee, she thinks of the word cantankerous! Oh, the students know us only too well!

So, treat yourself. Get that extra large cup of coffee and let it nourish your soul and brighten your day!
By the way, Teaching Artists are always happy to accept Starbucks gift cards, just saying!
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